24th April, 2024.

TradingView’ charts for Trendlyne customers


Trendlyne has recently enhanced its offerings by integrating TradingView charts, one of the most widely-used, advanced charting tools in the financial market. This integration significantly upgrades Trendlyne's capabilities, providing users with sophisticated graphical analysis options and customizable features. TradingView charts are known for their extensive range of indicators and charting tools, which cater to both novice and professional traders.

With this integration, Trendlyne users can access detailed price graphs, perform trend analysis, create personalized trading strategies, and apply technical analysis tools across various chart types. 

 To access the TradingView chart, follow these steps:

  • Select any stock and navigate to the chart section.

  • Click 'View Advanced' to access the 'TradingView' charts 

Default Chart