Upgrading your subscription is easy and follows a process similar to the initial subscription. When upgrading, the system automatically calculates the value of the unused portion of your current subscription and deducts this amount from the new plan's cost. The upgraded plan will then be valid for the full duration you select.

To upgrade, select the 'Upgrade' option, as shown below.

For instance, if you initially subscribe to the PRO plan for $249 per year on January 1, 2024, with an expiration date of December 31, 2024, and then decide to upgrade to the PRO PLUS plan for $349 after one month, here's how the cost adjustment works: You'll pay $120.75 for the upgrade, which is the difference between the new plan cost and the unused portion of your existing plan ($228.25). Your new PRO PLUS subscription will commence immediately upon the upgrade and remain valid for one year.