The ‘Best Performers’ feature provides a list of top-performing stocks over a selected date range. It includes details on stock price return %, EPS growth %, PE growth %, EPS contribution to returns %, and PE contribution to returns %.

To use this feature:

  • Navigate to the ‘Filter stocks’ section and enter your choices to generate the report.

  • This includes setting a date range, minimum return%, the number of stocks to include, minimum and maximum market cap in Rs, and a stock group. 

  • In the example shown below, we have set the date range from 03/11/2023 to 03/11/2024, Min return% as 15, and the stock group as ‘US Tech 100’.

  • Now, click on ‘Generate Report’ to see the results. 

  • You can also download the report in CSV, Excel, or PDF format by clicking on ‘Export’.